Tim .....

..... working on an engine.

I've spent most of today working at home, as it was getting dark this evening I decided to have a wander in to town for some fresh air and a bite to eat. I popped in to the local sale room for a quick look at their fine art and antique sale this week ( nothing caught my eye, at least nothing my wallet could afford ).

I then stopped off at the new chocolatier shop in town and had a nice chat with Geoff one of the owners who was in the process of making champagne truffles. The smell in there was wonderful, I may have to go back and buy a few chocolates. I had a very late dinner/ early tea in the pub and got a few portraits printed off to give to the people in them. One of the portraits was of Simon who I blipped last Friday. Whilst in the garage I managed to get a quick shot of Tim, so today's blip is .....

..... Tim working on an engine.

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