
By sas05


day two ..and alls well.. 1000o meters on the rower completed,, havnt crumbled on that yet .. day two of being back out on the road.. and its been ok.. nice being on your own for a change,, just the radio for company 4 ...just so i can sound inte...interl.. ohh whatever it is...sometimes just fads into white noise as sometimes they discuss the finer workings of cultures contained in a ham sandwich or whatever obscure tangents radio 4 drifts of to..but i like it ,, love sailing by...always listen to that when i can,, sort of a waymarker ,, usuallt close to finishing if i hear sailing by.. another waymarker is skinky corner ,, coming off the M25 onto the M3 .. those f you that know that place could place yourself even with your eyes closed ..

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