
By MummaHen

Emerald Bluffs

Went for a walk around this lovely reserve. A German born John May has developed this reserve with the help of others and has done a wonderful job. Once a boggy wetland, then drained to rather wet farm land, and now restored to wetlands and ponds with thousands of native plantings - flaxes and sedges around the lakes, cabbage trees and may other natives further back.

It was so peaceful with the birds singing and the tiny frogs making a heck of a din. Only saw a glimpse of movement of the frogs as they dived into the water. Lots of ducks and dragon flies even a few fish.
Here is a Scaup.

Here is the wetlands.

They also have worked on trapping predators which can almost eliminate the native birds. These includes wild rats mice stoats ferrets and cats.

This photo is at the edge of the reserve looking across the Emerald Bluffs to Glendu Bay

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