Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

New camera

My last day in Vancouver. Meagan is gone and I miss her. Back to Scotland while I embark for Ecuador tomorrow. Butterlfys in my stomach. I am about to embark on a three month teaching gig in the wilds of the Andes. Adventures surely await.

It is great catching up with Hugh, a friend from grad school and someone Ive always had a warm admiration for. Hugh and I had plenty of time to catch up on all sorts of things and we emarked on a mission to find me a new camera today. Thats right, I´m upgrading. Going professional. It was an epic day exploring Vancouver, haggling in a number of camera shops, rescuing Hugh´s car from impoundment, and in celebration in the evening, oh so delicious sushi. Surely there cannot be any other place with a greater density of cheap sushi options than Vancouver, save for Japan itself.

Cheers, bon voyage, buen viaje! I snapped this shot of Hugh post sushi....with my new camera! The Olympic PEN. From what I hear from everyone I talked to a most excellent choice and I´m already giddy with this new camera. This option is a black and white in the old school style. This is going to be a lot of fun. Get ready...

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