Rumi Amongst the Bouganvilias

A bit of a NE today.....just catching up ....its amazing how much stuff piles up for just being away for a couple of days.

I was thinking about all the time saving devices we Nan didn't have any of about having to fetch the water and chop the wood to build a fire to cook after you went out to the veggie patch to pick the dinner??????...there all these time savers but there still is never enough time for everything......I think my Nan had a lot more time in those days though.

I have been getting increasingly frustrated with my landscape photography.......the sky is always so light and the land dark and I'm always having to spend so much time fiddling to balance the two and sometimes the middle just doesnt cut the mustard. So today I ordered some graduated ND filters over the net....I am hoping that they fix the problem.

I was really windy up at the lookout today....a bit yukky really. However the Bouganvillia were looking rather splendid and so was Rumi (not the poet)

“My heart rushes into the garden,
joyfully tasting all the delights.
But reason frowns, disapproving
of the heart's bad manners.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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