Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

Ambition achieved....

Hobbes once said when asked if he could wish for anything in the whole wide world, what would he wish for? He answered "A tuna Sandwich". When Calvin mocked him for not thinking ambitiously enough, he munched on his tuna sandwich and said that his wish came true....

I managed to fulfill a life ambition today. Not a huge one but always wanted to walk across the Forth Road Bridge. My bus home was within 4 car lengths of the tolls to get onto the bridge when the traffic stopped going across. Lots of Fire engines and police passed swiftly so decided the fastest way of getting across to my car parked just on the other side was to walk it. Certainly beat sitting in a bus for the best part of an hour and you get a wonderful view of the Rail Bridge on the way across.

Always have reachable dreams. Have a good weekend.

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