Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Self Portrait

There aren't many on here. I hate getting my picture taken but it must be done from time to time. If anybody stumbles on this in the future (what a weird thought.....isn't it?) I would like them to be able to see what a fantastic looking woman I am.

You know - beauty and exceptional writing skills as well as a knack of taking thought provoking and intimate photographs.

That kind of thing....

Anyway. Today was one of THOSE days. I had shouted at the kids before I'd even got out of bed. I quickly accepted that the only way to get through the day was to plunge myself into Mothering and get out of the house (with the promise of 75 glasses of wine once the kids were in bed).

It turned out okaaaaay. Not brilliant, but okay. Arlo was at school so it was me 'n' Ida. We went to the library and for a walk along the beach. Ida hunted for shells to throw in the sea and I tried to make peace with the 3rd day of feeling like I had cotton wool for a brain after the weekend.

Ida spent almost the entire walk simulating doing a poo by stopping in her tracks, bending right over so her head touched her wellies. This was followed by dramatically squeezing and shouting 'OOOOOHHHHH MUMMMMYYY! AH DUST DIIIID A BIG BIG BIG BIG POOOOOO LIKE A DOGGGGGGGGGY' afterwards.

I told her she was being disgusting to which she cracked 'Mummy sing the disgusting Ida neep song' ... Which I did happily....

"She's a dirty wee neep,
She's a dirty filthy neep,
She's got one dirty foot and
Another dirty foot.
She's got two dirty hands and
A dirty filthy face and she hangs
In the garden with the tatties'.

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