The Village Hall..a Year On

Day three of the new job for me (Chris) and I was fortunate to be able to use the local office rather than travel into London. Given the majority of the day was spent on the phone (and not to folks in London) I think it was a sound call. In contrast Annie had her early morning trek to Bristol. It's back on the train for me tomorrow morning though!

Properly chilly for running club tonight, certainly the coldest run this winter so far. I kept my group moving and they in turn ran a great pace for nearly 6 miles. How virtuous did we feel?

Stopped on the way home to grab a blip, this little light show appears every year around a cottage attached to the vilage hall. I did blip it last year but I think I've made a better job this time around. For a start I think I may have learnt something about White Balance!!!

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