I think "sadness" sounds a bit stronger than tristesse in French, but maybe I am wrong.
Here I went to a Casino that I think one of the best in Reno. They have wonderful restaurants, a great out door pool. Lots of sparkling lights and of course, the slot machines. The impression of sadness comes always to me, when , at 10 am you see people, mostly very lonely people, sitting in front of them. Smoking, drinking and mechanically pushing the buttons.
The casino itself is built like most of them, a little like a maze, hard to find the exit or the check-in counter for hotel guests. The lighting is making you forget, that there is daylight out there. You won't find a clock anywhere. But to give the impression of daylight, the walls are covered with huge screens. (one is in the middle of the picture above) On most of them, there are movies from nature scenes all around the world. It seems as if it were life webcams showing them. But it isn't life. They are often very beautiful, the casino sends out photographers all over the world to make these movies.
The one in the middle was showing a fashion show. At the same time I saw elephants with big flapping ears on one, a beach scene from Hawaii on another and pictures of
Siena on a third gigantic screen high on the wall.
Then came a little lady, telling me, that it wasn't allowed to take pictures in the casino
Well, I think I had already enough to give you an impression!
If you click on the link to Flickr to see 4 more pics, make sure you see them in large.
The light show they have created there is impressive, especially for the restaurant Oceano.
Big thanks to all of you who commented and rated so kindly my little red berries from yesterday. Very much appreciated!
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