Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Freight train...

...freight train going so fast! And had I been faster the other one going in the opposite direction would have been more visible.

On my old commute this morning to Edinburgh for some meetings and then to deliver a training session in the evening in my old office.

Nice wee visit back.

Ended up being courier of a package that needed to go to my new office. Half way on walk to Waverley I realised it wasn't going to be easy cycling home with said package!

Called Mr R and asked if he could come and collect from the station. When I arrived at Stirling at 21:30...I was tired, hungry and it was raining...checked the bike was OK and jumped in the car when Mr R arrived for the package. Felt a wee bit bad leaving my poor bike in the town centre all night...only done that once before.

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