Meet Rosie

Rosie is a 10 week old Cocker Spaniel puppy. Just two days older than Minnie and an orange roan like Casper - she is the spitting image of him as a puppy. She is perfect for us

Except she isn't ours!

I had you all going though didn't I!!!!

She's our friends. They have two boys and one of them was petrified of dogs......until he met Casper. Hence why they now have a dog like Casper :)

We were smitten!

Minnie was weighed today. 10lbs 9oz an increase of 5oz in two weeks. Not a huge weight gain but she's been a bit off colour the last couple of days - still feeding but bringing up water about 2 hours after her feed despite only having milk.....the health visitor was perplexed and asked a colleague who was also perplexed and told me to take her to the doctor if I felt concerned?!?! She's still sleeping through the night and shows no other cause for concern just not quite as smiley as usual and only having 600ml of feed as opposed to 750ml a day. No temperature or anything but more filled nappies - I'm thinking a tummy bug. Tonight she was more back to her smiley self so I think it's ran it's course.

Today we also went to the library for rhythm and bounce which Minnie loved and it was a great chance for her to be nosey looking around at all the other children including our friends little girl Ella who is three days older than Min :)

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