It's mine.

This morning my man human had to rush off to buy more paint. He didn't want to keep the nice painter man waiting. The lady human had a class in North Berwick. I thought I was getting to relax for the day but the back up took me over to the new house. I didn't really want to go but she made me! It wasn't too bad I supervised her painting cupboards. I went outside with her when she went to paint the garden shed. I pottered about the garden while she did that. It was better than negotiating the slippery floors. I was glad to get back to the bungalow as it was getting really cold outside. After tea my Man Human went out and the back up went to lifeboat. When she came back she started trying on dresses. She wanted the lady human to help her decide which one to wear to the lifeboat Christmas party. It was very strange seeing her in dresses. The blip is of Kel playing with Cali's toy. It's a little blurred but us terriers don't always like hanging about. Luv Ginnie Xx.

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