Was in Obang working taking candy from babies again! Only managed one photo between showers. Went to see a musical tonight, it was ok, some very good singing and some really dodgy singing but on the whole a most enjoyable experience though musicals are not my thing (only went cause I got a free ticket) Home now and spent most of the night fiddling with a wee black box trying to copy slides. I do not have any form of manual dexterity (you can tell that from my typing!) and found it a total pain then the damn thing wouldnt upload yet every time hubster tried it the bloody thing worked! Ok so I have no patience!
Got to get ready to go to some place called Aberlady , never heard of it but its where my cousin has chosen to get married in some place called Ducks of Kilspindie!! I may get hopelessly lost! And before you all ask NO I am not wearing the bloody dress!
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