Winter sun
Early this morning, I delivered to a friend's church a Nativity that I felted out of wool . Each year the church holds a 'Festival of Nativities' in which hundreds of Nativities from around the world are displayed by the members of the congregation. One woman had 250 Nativities! I saw a Nativity made from a steel drum from Zambia, one out of olive wood, many that were ceramic or glass. I think my favorite was a tiny penguin nativity in which the 3 wise men were teeny polar bears. Very fun. There weren't many people there setting up their treasures but I still found it a bit intimidating. I don't attend church myself, but it did seem jolly to hear so many people greeting each other warmly and sharing good wishes. I went last year to see their displays and thought I would try my hand at making one. It was fun, but truth be told I am happy it's finished. I can't tell you the number of times I stabbed my fingers, drawing both blood and a little unfestive language.
It was a beautiful sunny day today, high of 27 degrees F, which I unfortunately spent in windowless rooms ensconced in meetings. But when like a mole I popped my head up into the world the setting sun was beautiful.
Then I dashed off home to meet the student that I tutor for an evening session. His first remark was, "Heat on" accompanied by a lovely smile because yesterday we had worked on reading fluency in frosty 52 degree ambiance. My furnace had been on the blink and I am happy to report that the gas company was simply lovely in their response, spent a long time troubleshooting the problem, over 2 hours, and no charge. That was a lovely surprise!
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