Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa


Out this afternoon with my friend to do a bit of shopping. Granny picked Euan up from nursery so he was very happy.

Met Margie and puppy Unity briefly before picking up Mairet after she had slept of her nightshift and we headed into town. Parking was surprisingly easy and we got a few jobs done before stopping for a coffee. Rhona loved the babycino e got for her and drank it very well out of her take away cup. She loved the marshmallows on top of her milk but wasn't interested in our cakes which I was surprised about.

Went to pick up Euan and ended up staying at Grannys until bedtime. they had their milk there and we came home for pjs and bed.

An evening of TV for me and texting Martin who is back onshore in Luanda and just waiting for flights on Friday. Looking forward to him getting home on Saturday so we can enjoy the build up to Christmas with the kids together.

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