Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

Little monkey waiting for his lunch. SOOC.

We have painted and glittered (!) our salt dough from yesterday. They are looking lovely! I'm really pleased with them. I'll give them a coat of PVA or varnish once they are dry to help them last.

Isaac is a little bit grumpy, I'm thinking teeth. He's still happy to roam around most of the time but he's more easily upset and his gums look a little swollen. He was also sick on the carpet (why is it a babies instinct to play in and try to re-ingest it?) which is not really like him. I'm not sure why teething makes them more sicky but I've definitely found it with my two.

Amelie is currently still in just a pair of paints (12.25). She has fairy wings on too. Its quite nice to have a lazy day after a few days of getting ready and out for nursery but still, I'd rather she was dressed. She has spent he morning playing with playmobil that she set up int he living room.

I've hoovered, the washing up is done, there is a washing on and I've tidied up the pile of letters and odds and ends from beside the fruit bowl.

Oh and big news - I actually managed to burn my advent candle to the right level today! Huzzah!

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