I had another '5' in mind, but it was requested yesterday by many of you that I do '5 Gold Rings' so here we are. The back row is The Pearl Ring that my Husband gave me as a Wedding Day Present, the Middle back is my Engagement ring, those are the 2 most important and they are not all mine. It does look like a Jewellers Shop ;0) Look Large for more detail

My new challenge this month is 1-31 it’s not terribly exciting, but, you could make it more exciting ;0)
Today is 5 for the 5th of December and tomorrow is ‘6’ suggest something that I could blip connected to ‘6’ ;0)
I have things in reserve for some numbers, but you could change my mind, remember I do work and so have a limited time each day after my swim of about an hour to find a blip, this could be fun or something typically Guernsey that you’d like to see, or it could just be . . . . . . . .

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