My Best Efforts - Year 3


Just Missed!.........

..............I braked so hard that, if it had not been for my seat belt, I swear I would have gone through the windscreen! Driving along a nearby lane, I saw this chappie standing safely and quietly on the grass verge but as I drew level he suddenly decided he wanted to cross over. I missed him by inches! Now on the other side safely, he just stood there and glared at me as if to say "what was that all about?!". Anyway, here is a slightly out of focus picture of the miscreant - (taken through the the car window) - lucky to be alive. They are lovely looking birds but, oh, so stupid at times.

Busy, busy morning - the decorator is starting work early Monday morning - so today have been taking down curtains,
mirrors, pictures (of which there are rather a lot!), putting ornaments and kitchen stuff in collapsible boxes etc.. I could have waited until Sunday but I felt fairly energetic today - I might not another day! It will also give me time to wash everything ready to back to where they normally live.

I just might take a break from Blipping for a day or two as I prefer to be actually in the house when I have workmen in - just to keep an eye on progress. We will have to see.

There is a clear blue sky at the moment but the wind is, as forecast, very strong and every time I open the front door, loads of leaves come into the hall - despite me clearing them every hour or so. It isn't all that cold - around 45 Deg.F.

Hope all my blip pals in Scotland are safe - must be horrid if you are having power cuts! Try to keep warm.

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