St. Nicholas Eve

Storm blowing here right now, but it is St. Nick's Eve, so ALL employees, including the entire teaching staff, were given a chocolate iPad ... and frankly I won't eat it because it's not my thing, but hubby might. We were requested to leave the building at 16.00, which we were glad to do.

It took me two full hours to reach home ... the 120 kph winds almost blew a truck clean over the Moerdijk Bridge, resulting in massive jams on both sides of the A16. Fortunately, my side was the spectator side, so all lanes were open. I burst out in tears, though, when I saw that truck ... I wonder what happened to the driver ... I hope he didn't fall into the river ...

Tonight, the most important dikes and storm surge barriers will be shut to traffic. The storm that is blowing right now is comparable to the storm that flooded Zeeland in 1953 which cost almost 2000 people their lives, not to mention countless livestock, horses and other animals. The sluice gates will be lowered in many places; at the Oosterscheldekering, 62 sluice gates will shut the moment the water threatens to reach the height of 3 meters. Almost 50% of The Neth is below sea level and they expect waves 4 meters higher than the normal level. On the 2-hour journey home, my faithful KIA shuddered on every bridge. In the north of the country, the dikes will be guarded and inspected all through the night. Those living near a dike will not sleep easily, and the entire province of Zeeland will be vigilant, St. Nick or not.

St. Nick is actually Santa but the European version ... and gift-giving is TONIGHT and not on Christmas Eve.

This was shot on my walk to work. I especially appreciate whatever yellow I can find ... anywhere. It brightens things up somehow.

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