Here goes......

By Lindiloo

Flying Saucers

With the rest of today's events I wouldn't be surprised if the little green men didn't bother landing! Firstly I was woken by what sounded like Armageddon at about 5.30am, just as I was about to get up the power went off so no shower or hair wash before work. No power = no home phone and no internet. The mobile network was down as well. Dressed by candle light and make up applied by torchlight and off to work. Got stopped a mile down the road and had to wait while the trees were sawn up and removed and then on the move again, this happened again later on in the journey. At various points we were travelling single file to pass trees etc. on the road. Made it in to work in one piece and there was light and power!!

Quiet day, all staff made it in but a lot of students didn't.

I returned home this evening, armed with batteries for the radio for the evening's entertainment, to find that the power had come back on 5 minutes before. Quickly filled the bath in case it went off again. Still no mobile but who cares!

This was the only shot I took today, on my phone and through the window. I thought the reflection of the lights was a bit like flying saucers!

It was very wild out there for a while today, hope everyone is safe and sound.

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