The story so far...


When left unattended

Mummy left Ollie in his chair for literally one minute to get his bottle and this is what she found when she returned. His strength is amazing!
He has also started sleeping through the night and I don't mean in that loose 12-5 way the health visitors class as sleeping through. He goes 7:30pm to 7am. Hopefully he will be like cam and love his sleep and a lay in.
Cam didn't wake up till 9:15 this morning which meant we were running very very late for playgroup but cam was in a great mood. He was all day to be honest even though his bottom molars are still giving him jip.
He did have a fight with waste paper bin causing a nice bruise on his face but he was still full of smiles, kisses and cuddles.
They are such good boys xx

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