
By MerlotsDad

BRILL on-the-hill

This is Brill windmill, a famous landmark throughout the County. This view is looking towards Noke & Beckley...

I went to Noke & nobody spoke
I went to Beckley where they spoke directly

I think if you Googled this poem you might find the rest of it.

Went over to no 8 to say hello & collect a couple of items of P's which were still there. Then off to the chemist to get more Lemsips for C who is still groggy but progressing. Then on to se P for 5mins then home for lunch.

It is lovely sunny Autumn day with a light cool breeze.

More about Brill Windmill here !

PS - Brill of course was the site of an old Hunting Lodge which belonged, amongst other sovereigns to Edward the Confessor. He was actually born just down the road at Islip. He would stay at Brill when hunting deer in Bernwood forest which has now all but disappeared, with just the odd oak tree here & there. The forest was replanted in more recent times and is made up of Yorks Wood & Shabbington Wood.....sorry I'm boring you again...

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