
By Namaikisaru


Can you help this poor frustrated wild creature. If she doesn't get sweets I fear she may wither away. They do this sweet/candy swapping thing with each other after her dance class. Today they were practicing the Jackson five number 'Candy Girl' so it seemed slightly less inappropriate than it normally does.

Immigration today. Not a very pretty building and I lacked the nerve to photograph many of the inhabitants. But I can now leave and re-enter the country problem free.

Working on and in-between trains some shots along the way.

Work at home. Boo. But its Friday now and instead of slinking off to bed as I should I've been fiddling with black and white processing. I have an old Pentax K100 and some B&W film but it takes a week to develop. Need more practice at trying to achieve the same thing digitally.

Baby's cold seems to be clearing up a little. Lets hope he can sleep a little better tonight. I think maybe a longer lens tomorrow...or maybe not.

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