Sea Breeze

I don't know what the weather's been like with you but this morning there was a lovely dawn (I'm told) and when I went down to the river mid morning it was a still as can be. This seemed a little at odds with the weather warnings and tidal surges that are causing concern elsewhere. Tor Bay faces east and we're protected from the prevailing winds from the South West so it's only when there's a strong swell and winds from an easterly direction that we get much of a pounding. There are always vessels moored off shore, presumably avoiding storms or maybe just waiting in the calm conditions the bay provides.

With the tide being high, I walked down to the foreshore at Flow Point. As I said, the water was remarkably still and there were some lovely cloud formations reflecting in the water. As the tide turned the river started bringing some flotsam down and the surface started rippling. This vessel was glowing in the sunlight with the ripples shining below it. I'm pleased that a 2 second exposure doesn't show any movement in the boat but just brought the rippled water out nicely.

I hope your day's been good and brought you a little sunshine too.


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