RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Unfinished Terraces

As much as I have raved lately about the fast pace of construction there is one development that is not going so swimmingly. The Sotavento Hotel was one of the oldest on Playa La Ropa. Three or so years ago it was decided to turn the shell into luxury condominiums. The location is perfect, right on the beach, and the view is unequalled from each unit as they all have an ocean view. I am sure the owners expected quick sales, but after an initial flurry of activity and the completion of the top four or five floors, construction has ceased the past two years. Every season we hear that it is going to be finished and every season little of no progress is made. These terraces are in the completed, but unoccupied, section. Three floors below there is still bare concrete without a hint of worker. This view gives some idea of what might be some distant day in the future.

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