With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The wet way home

I still can't quite believe it took me six years, a load of road works, and a wrong turning to find this place. We were driving along a treacherously narrow road with 90 degree turns on the back road to school. We had a real adventure at each turn, and were amazed to find a 'castle' as well as the railway line, various bridges and the torrent. All before school! This was a few months back and the torrent was relatively dry. This is a feeder stream into the torrent that runs under a railway bridge and over a ford. It's being thundering all day long, most of the time I've been without electricity.

So, I decided I would walk to school to fetch them and we would have another adventure. The torrent was wild. We got absolutely soaked, but warmed up with clean clothes and soup at home. I love this place!

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