Flop down Friday

I believe I know exactly how Lottie feels.   She is the most intelligent creature I've interacted with today.

May I be so bold as to make a plea to all you parents out there?
I know you have a multitude of things to teach your little darlings before they head out in to the big wide world, but there are a few minor practical issues that I think you should make sure they are aware of;
1. how to change a light bulb
2. how to change a battery
3. if a machine has an on/off switch and it is switched to OFF then it means it won't work.
I could go on....

Simple things, I know, but as I think you might agree none of them require an emergency call out to a team of contractors.   And, as it seems likely that I will have to continue working for another couple of decades I would like to make it to pensionable age without going totally insane.

Going from the ridiculous to the sublime -   RIP Nelson Mandela.   A great man.

Back to the ridiculous again, courtesy of our desk diary;
Never ask a tennis player to serve lunch

I'm now off for my strait jacket fitting.

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