
By craftynini


Someone mentioned yesterdays journal entry to me today. I'll be very clear that they said nothing horrid or negative at all; it just made me feel vulnerable and started me thinking about what people see/read into my journal entries. Probably more of a reflection on me I think.

My journal has always just been an image of an idea that I 'see' in my head when someone says something to me, or I see an object or word that sparks an idea. I don't spend hours thinking about it, or analysing it;I just do it, post it and that's that.

I'm a very restrained person. I don't do many of the things that I really want to do in my personal life so Blipfoto is my only way of counteracting that trait.

I don't sing in public, I don't drink, take drugs, cheat or go out partying and I don't tell folks how I really feel a lot of the time. And I never wear stripped socks with heels even though I would love to 'cause I don't have the balls to do it.

I live my life holding myself back, so it's important to be closer to the real me than I normally am and that's probably why I'm still blipping after 3 years.

If anyone's trying to analyse my journal or start wondering what exotic stuff is going on in my life you may well be disappointed as it's just me, taking a photo a day, and posting it on a website.

Phew, I hate writing long journal entries, can I go back to normal now please?!

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