After the Storm
Several snow flurries and a few sunny intervals today. Down at the beach however it looked like after the storm there was more storm. In some ways the sea looked rougher than yesterday, but rather than turbulent as it was yesterday, there were waves and it looked like it would be a good surfing sea. Was it cold down at the beach though. The thermometer said 1.5 degrees, but it was absolutely icicles weather.
I took about twenty photographs, and I did not expect this to have been my choice. While it got dark I had several with long exposure, but they did not convey the waves in the way this one did. This is hand held so I don't think it would take much enlargement. It is hard to guess when a wave is going to break with a delayed exposure.
Earlier in the day I had taken a couple in town in the snow, but as the snow did not come out in the picture they also hit the recycle bin. Another cold day tomorrow no doubt.
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