Countdown to Christmas - Love to Give

19 days to go!!

Random acts of kindness in the season of giving.

Inside this shop is a little a little boy - Jamal - wearing a plastic policeman's helmet.

I'd already seen Jamal and his little brother in the convenience store in this parade of shops choosing, and paying for a little packet of sweets each. Their manners and behaviour were impeccable, while their mother waited by the door with their baby brother in a buggy.

I popped into the charity shop - as I do - and they were in there too, the boys looking at the toy section.

"Can I have this hat please Mummy?"
"No, darling put it back."
"OK" and he did.

I walked over to his mum and asked if I could buy it for him.

Jamal was delighted and said "Thank you" without needing to be prompted.

"What about his brother (Jayden, I learnt) would he like something?"
"No he's OK"
"Well get him something next time you're here" I said. "Your boys are delightful"

£2 very well spent, I think!

I would have loved to have taken a picture of Jamal in his helmet, but thought it might spoil the moment.

Oh and I bought a game called 'Pass the Pigs' - a favourite from years ago - for £1 It will be fun to play on Christmas Day!

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