There and back again

By Mikes

A decision is required

I have a great attachment to Olympus cameras. I have been using then continuously since around the 197o's when I bought an OM1 35mm SLR. When I took up digital photography my first camera was a C-8080 Wide Zoom then an E400 and I am now using a E620. Over the past few years Olympus have dropped out of the top manufacturers and at the moment you would have to spend over a £1000.00 to upgrade to one of their higher specification cameras and even their lenses are dearer than some camera. Independent lens companies no longer make lenses of the 4/3 fittings

I have therefore been tempted to change to another manufacturer and as we say "Move over to the Dark side!" Having taken advantage of current market prices and invested some money I had for my birthday/Christmas I have bought a Nikon D3200.

Both cameras have similar specifications and both first come on the market about 2 years ago and I am going to run them side by side to see which I prefer and which brand I will follow. I will let you know how I get on over the coming weeks. If any of you have been through the same dilemma It would be nice to hear from you.

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