Turn! Turn! Turn! The Birds :)
To Tillingham again today to meet Social Services woman at the care home.
Before our meeting I went to Bradwell Cockle Spit to see how high last night's surge had come. There was a line of seaweed and flotsam nearly to the top of the seawall. I went onto the gorgeous sand and shell beach for the first time, not long before high tide. The first birds I shot were a pair of brambling, never seen or photographed them before. Then I concentrated on the waders, not familiar with these either. I think my pic shows a turnstone. It's what I had in my head before I looked in my Bertel Brun. I have chosen to post this pic because it shows the shells nicely. Turn! Turn! Turn! by the Byrds is dear to our family. My sister sang it at my father's funeral.
I also shot other waders, egrets and a wren. I saw a stoat or a weasel. (A weasel is weasily wecognised and a stoat is stoataly different) :) I also saw a big bird of prey which a local told me was probably a marsh harrier.
As I walked back along the Roman road to the car I met a guy carrying a surfboard and all his gear. He said that he wished he could have surfed the waves last night and that it was the first opportunity in sixty years. I did see a few mini rollers. Would have loved to have stayed to photograph him.
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