
By Transitoire

Warwick University, by the Zeeman Building

Now today was work work work. My actual, paid job. I was taking visitors around the university and telling them all about my experiences there, and how much I love it. Which I genuinely do, no word of a lie, I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else. I ended up working longer than I was meant to, just because everyone was asking so many questions and I was also waiting for Hugo…who talks even more than me!

Grabbed this photograph before Hugo and I headed for Curiousitea for cake and coffee, standard us. Things began to get a little weird when a mother of a student started talking to us and he started flipping out at her. Awkward moment. Then when he went to get them some more drinks, at her request, she turned to us with some urgency and told us that he had been coming home every weekend, had not made any friends the entire time he had been at Warwick, and that she thought he might be depressed. This was followed by asking us where she could get help for him. Hopefully we gave some good advice, but not having experienced it for ourselves we weren’t really sure what to say. Strange since before they arrived, Hugo and I were talking about depression and panic attacks…and just how many people have them once you ask. It shouldn’t have the stigma that it still does.

La vie avait continué après, la vie continue toujours. Elle te donne des raisons de pleurer et des raisons de rire. C'est la vie, fais-lui confiance. C'est une personne, la vie, une personne qu'il faut prendre comme partenaire. Entrer dans sa valse, dans ses tourbillons, parfois elle te fait boire la tasse et tu crois que tu vas mourir et puis elle t'attrape par les cheveux et de dépose plus loin. Parfois elle t'écrase les pieds, parfois elle te fait valser. Il faut entrer dans la vie comme on entre dans une danse. Ne pas arrêter le mouvement en pleurant sur soi, en accusant les autres, en buvant, en prenant des petites pilules pour amortir le chic. Valser, valser, valser. Franchir les épreuves qu'elle t'envoie pour te rendre plus forte, plus déterminée. C'est ça la vie ; des vagues et des vagues.

That is life, waves on waves.

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