I had to use quite a long exposure as the sky was very wintery
and the light had nearly gone.
This has diminished the power and height of the waves
and turned them into mist.
The sea was immensely powerful tonight with the surge tide
and continuing winter storm.
You can tell how cold it is by the fact the sea salt has not melted
the snow on the front of the esplanade.
You could hear the seventh wave coming in.
I have quite a few light movement photographs
were I had to grab the tripod and run
as the sea made it over the ramp
and the promenade, but it never got me!

I watched a lady and her dog walk through the underpass behind me
onto the esplanade and down the ramp in front of me onto the beach.
She walked past the no pedestrian access signs that had been erected
and onto the sand. I couldn't believe she was actually doing it!
I stood and watched struck dumb.
It was during a lull and she obviously hadn't realised what the sea was doing.
She made the next set of steps at a run as each wave got bigger
and the route she had just walked completely disappeared under
torrents of water.
She was damp, but could have easily been gone!

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