Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

This About Sums it Up ...

as to all I wanted to do all day. Being a dog must be awesome -_-
My apologies for being so far behind on my blips this week. Let's just say it has been a shitastic week overall and I can't wait to put all this behind me.

Because I hate it when people post abstract 'feelings' on facebook etc. and then say they don't want to talk about it, I will at least let anyone interested enough to know some relief from any curiosity you might have.

Today was going to be the bestest blip I have ever done. Why you may ask - because back in early Sept Mr. Badger and I went to see a house. It was gorgeous and we were both struck by it the moment we walked in. It was beautimous and on top of that it was on 9.4 acres and surrounded by 1000 acres of conservation land. Pretty much heaven. On top of it all, we put in an offer and the sellers accepted. After inspections, we found a few issues and went back to the sellers with our concerns and they agreed to fix all the things we listed, no questions asked. Of course, that bothers me now ... even then, I thought, gosh, that was way too easy.

Sure enough, Mr. Badger ended up going for a follow up inspection on Tuesday, and he was devastated. The 2 things we were most concerned about and would have caused us to walk away all those months ago had not been addressed satisfactorily. To make a long story short - we'd be moving into a house in New England in winter with no heat and the attic is COATED in black mold. I am very allergic to mold anyways, but anyone who looks into the adverse health affects of black mold I think would have walked away too. The sellers were livid that we didn't think they'd done what we asked and basically said they didn't care what we came back with, since we didn't accept their work, they wanted the house back on the market this weekend. Sigh. We decided that it was best to walk away, since how could we trust they'd do it any better the next time? And on top of it, the seller is the builder of the house. If this is his standard of work, no way we want to invest in that. Sure enough, today, after the sellers had a few days to realize just the situation they are in, they are trying their hardest to make things right. Mr. Badger is adamant that there is nothing they can do at this point, and I am inclined to agree. Back to the drawing board ... but we were so close :(

On top of it all, my mother in law ended up back in the ER Tues into Wed night. Despite her saying she was going to see her doctor regularly and that she was taking care of things, she lost another toe. She is still in the hospital and we may go visit her. But it is all very heartbreaking. How much can you watch someone self destruct :(

So yea, hopefully everything will work out in the end, but this is quite a blow. Mr. Badger and I are going to finally put up our Christmas tree ... even though we were hoping to put it up in our new house, at least we still have our home and we love each other more than ever. After licking my wounds for a bit, I'll get back to it.

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