Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Bit Bothered Boy (& Background Bokeh)

I was going to give you a rest from parrots, and post a photo of missy-moo photographing a parrot, or the portrait I cropped from that.

However, then I took this. This was a brief moment in between attacks on this juvenile king parrot by an adult male who - despite having his own pile of seed - didn't appear to want this one to be anywhere near any of the rest of the seed.

Worth a look larger, I reckon.

Sad: found a dead king parrot on the lawn. We suspect it was one that hit the window a couple of days ago. I didn't see anything immediately, but I was down mowing the lawn, and saw the beautiful dead thing.

Anthropomorphising: maybe that's why the male was so grumpy and stroppy.

Then again, they do mate for life, so it might not be unreasonable to suppose a possible connection.

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