A package
Set in Stone
in stone
sent by
parcel post
beach tumbled
sea salted
by silver
linking three
A package arrived yesterday, a surprise with exquisite timing from north of our border, straight into our hearts. A package holding bonds of blip and beach that said so much.
We'll be wearing these necklaces at our wedding rehearsal. The stones come from a very remote and special Maine Beach. I have been there since I was a small child and shared it with everyone I love the most in this world. Through blip I found a kindred soul who has also walked that beach on a stormy April day. She has embraced and shared two stones with us from that hallowed place of shifting stone and sea. Thank you Paula and your yellow girls for the necklaces and magical contents of that box from Canada.xxx
For the Record,
This day came in cold and has burst into sun. Happy 58th Birthday to my one and only sibling, my brother .
We're off on a mission to find blouses
Update, we found wedding blouses in Plymouth.!! We looked in two shops, shopping with the actor, Chris Cooper in the first. He was looking for his wife and talking about a new project with Meryl Streep. I've shopped with him before along with his wife, Marianne Leone ( she was in the Sopranos) at our local Trader Joe's grocery shop.
All hands are healthy
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