A summertime tradition

"Do you suppose Cooper's is still open?" Michael asked the other day when he finished mowing our yard, and, of course, he and his granddad hopped in the car to head to Cooper's to get an ice cream cone. That started me thinking about my favorite summer treat, so tonight after supper, I said, "Let's go to Cooper's. I'm hungry for an ice cream cone."

Located in our neighborhood, just a short ride from home, Cooper's Twist and Shake has been a favorite destination ever since our kids were young. Not too long ago, Bob and I headed there one evening and ran into our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren who had the same idea.

Cooper's is the place where families meet, grandparents take grandchildren, youth baseball coaches take their teams to commemorate victories and defeats, and even the family pet can get a little bowl of soft custard. Opening in May and closing in October, it's a summertime tradition.

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