Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

An Abstract (for a change)

No prizes for guessing what this is... Drove along the Creek twice today looking for a giant duck but with no joy. It had flown the nest on just it's second day!

So, today was so busy, I had to make a "hit list". Noticed later I had forgotten some important big things on it like to upload the pictures so our 2014 calendar can be printed! Fortunately, time consuming part of choosing pictures had already been completed last night.

It's been a good day. Had to deal with my Dad's cars and what to do with them. A tough decision has been made but not one I am too happy about. Quick broggle in IKEA before heading home via the Creek which is where I got my blip. We couldn't have come at a better time. Lighting perfect and the day was extremely clear. G has a very amusing picture here.

Took my car to have it nicely cleaned inside and out before taking it to get it re-registered. SO HAPPY that it passed the technical test the first time without going to the garage for checking to make sure it would. All done for another year. 21 years old and I still get people asking me to call them when I want to sell it. No chance.

Falling asleep here so must get this calendar done before bed and an early start tomorrow. Hyatt again for 7:30... Good night. I will catch up with you tomorrow.

PS. Started on my 3rd bottle of cough syrup last night! :(

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