Big Hill

By bighill

Cuban Casa....

I spent yesterday working on this painting....and after leaving it for a day, i can see where i need to deal with a couple of things...which is all part of the creative process. I've also come to the realisation that i seem to prefer painting interiors more than landscapes, that's nice to figure out. So i think i'll use this scene for my 100 variations. it's looking into our lovely little room in the Casa (like a B & B), in Santa Clara, Cuba....last April

It's been another inside day, mostly....doing accounting stuff, which oddly enough, was quite satisfying! Then Terry and i headed out to the back trail and the path leading to the A cabin, to deal with
a couple of trees that came down the other night during some blustery weather! They were blocking the paths. So while Terry chainsawed - with his new chainsaw - i dealt with all the debris that was laying around. Nice bit of exercise and good work done. Once we were down there, i wished i'd taken my could have a nice shot of Terry and his chainsaw!!!!

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