On the wings of time!

By sabrina

Ginger bread house

I wish I could live with you

In a house of gingerbread

Along Candycane Lane

A roof of icing

With tiles of gooey gumdrops

I wish I could live with you

In a house of gingerbread

We would have a sidewalk

Of peppermints

And our chimney would spout

Cotton candy

I wish I could live with you

In a house of gingerbread

I would take you sledding

Upon our hills of powdered sugar

Then we'd take a bath in a steaming pool of

Hot chocolate

With extra foamy whipped cream

I wish I could live with you

In a house of gingerbread

Just you and me

In a house of gingerbread

Alas, the only problem is

You're already to sweet

And this house

Would just take us over the hyper limit

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