
By stellarossa

Woke up early, brought home gold

A 5am start to get to a Heads race in Wycliffe where the boys quad won a rather undeserved gold as they were sluggish - the medal was testament to the ineffectiveness of their competition not the greatness of their sculling.

Tom and Robbie did better in their double, though, putting in an impressive performance and bringing home a well-deserved gold, with a time a good 40 seconds ahead of their nearest rival.

Boats were rigged, raced, derigged, loaded on the trailer, driven back, unloaded off the trailer, rigged again and then finally we headed for home 14 hours after we started. Gin and tonic and off to bed.

We were chilly, but not as chilly as Beewriter who completed her first big swim in Salford Quays without a wetsuit. Very impressive! Well done Beewriter.

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