Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A world record.

Is this a world record? To spend a whole weekend at Ikea! Well, it is, for a non-shopper! But bribed with the promise of a full breakfast (9 pieces, plus a bap and coffee) I went along quite readily. We went quite early, to avoid the crowds… NOT! Every man and his dog toddler was already there! Amazing.

However, we knew what we were there for - not browsing, though I had to remind JR on several occasions. Return the wine rack (reprieve for the chopped up Argos one) get a computer desk, and some curtains. And some cinnamon buns. Oh, and the tumblers we originally went for yesterday. That £4 purchase turned into something rather more expensive.

Today’s visit was accomplished entirely in daylight, unlike yesterday. And so I have many many wee jobs involving screwing and hammering and using those wee alan keys. That should keep me busy this week, while waiting for glaziers and wifi men and assorted deliveries. Not all ours, I hasten to add. Our pal in Tanzania has been ordering up large at Amazon and so strange packages keep arriving for me, but they’re not for me. I’ve got two to collect at the PO on Monday. (One delivery today, Sunday!)

Talking of Tanzania, we are really beginning to panic now. Jabs on Friday. Must buy malaria pills. Must think what to pack. Must find those spare SD cards.

Last night - well, 5 am - the students upstairs came home. Students do not do, ‘Shhh, there might be someone asleep’ - they slam the door, and just carry on TALKING LOUDLY up the stairs, CLOMPING. The stairs are lovely in these tenements, some of them with beautiful tiles, but of course, the sound just carries, and the stairs are surrounded by bedrooms.

And so this morning at 9:30 I popped up and rang their bell. And rang again. I didn’t give up. I’ve never done this before, always waiting till later, when they’re awake to go and ask nicely to be a little more considerate. Of course, it was not the offender who eventually answered the door. I was most apologetic for wakening her/them. And hope she detected the irony...

One of our former neighbours who was in the top flat in my parents’ time, always talked about how in the old days, everyone took off their shoes and tiptoed up the stairs if they came in late. How times change...

And on that grumpy note, here’s a cheery Santa. The only photo I took all day. This poor chap has to stand and wave at the cars all day. He did admit to a bad case of tennis elbow…

And I know what Santa wants for Christmas - new boots.

PS We got frozen cinnamon buns - stick 'em in your oven for 10 minutes and have a treat any time.

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