
By dunkyc


Blimey! I'm pretty surprised that I have made it to 400 blips!

I normally have the attention span of a gnat, so to have actually stuck with something is no mean feat for me.

I wasn't sure what to put up at this milestone, so have played safe and to simply show you the apparatus with which most of my shots are taken - as you can see, nothing particularly fancy, but it gets the job done. On occasion, I also use a Panasonic DMC-FS8.

I'm still looking to get a blip-a-day done until the end of 2013 and by that point I will have done a full calendar year.

If you're reading this and are not yet a Blipper, I really recommend giving it a go as it is a very supportive community with people really enjoying each others photos and even taking the time to say a kind word or two.

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