Not a blipessential...
Seems like 'bunch of shiny stuff in front of radio' is unlikely to make the list.
Not even sure why that glittery stuff is in front of the radio. Probably put there out of reach of the kids who were probably fighting over it. It is entirely possible that it has been there since last Christmas (though, now I think of it we didn't have decorations last year... nor the year before. Please tell me I have dusted those shelves at some point in the last 3 years....)
Anyway, domestic godesslessness aside, it's been a day of wandering about the windswept village (picking Conor and friend up from nursery, taking them to friend's house as friend didn't want to come to our house - wise boy, given the lack of dusting - picking Conor up again later, then back to friend's house as the all important Doggie toy had been left behind...) Also editing more photos from the gig. As this is a learning experience, I keep discovering a neat new trick to make the shots look better... and then desperately wanting to go back to all the RAW files of the earlier edited shots to have another go. At some point I will have to stop!
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