Strike a pose!

Another little "photo shoot" (lol!) for a friend for a photo of her handsome boys for the grandparents!

As usual I had my fingers crossed hoping that I'd be able to pull something out the bag for her.

Just sent her some of them and she seems pleased.

Suggested that she maybe get a collage done just to show the boys personalities.

I do get a buzz when I manage to get photos that make people smile.... As I'm sure all you fellow blippers do to!

Jamie a bit better today and managed a walk round the woods after picking a christmas tree. (although we did carry him the last wee bit. :-( )

The tree is up in the front room as we speak.... With no lights or decorations!
I have 2 sets but I need 3 so the dressing of Mr Tree is postponed till tomorrow!

(possible prediction of tomorrow's blip!)

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