
By scribbler

Slippery slope

Aimee at the Pearl Bakery in her 'eat bread' shirt.

Slippery is today's DDW-Mollymay challenge.

The Pearl Bakery has been here as long as there's been a Pearl District.
'Established 1997.' No, it can't compete with Oxbridge, but then Oregon has only been a state since 1859, when people were still crossing the Western desert in covered wagons.

The Pearl Bakery is noted for its bread, of course, but also for its scrumptious cakes, tarts, and pastries. I'm convinced they make the world's only edible enjoyable fruitcake. This year they branched out into artisan chocolates. There are always samples on the counter. What a slippery slope!

Lately I've been making do with their pear and gorgonzola sandwich on walnut levain plus iced tea, my year-round favorite. Today I brought my laptop and wrote a thousand words. Keepin' on keepin' on. A woman at the next table was sniffling and sneezing the whole time, so I may be about to embark on The Cold, round two.

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