Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Nuthatches take off

Some days in the park you can feel more with nature than others. Today I took a morning walk to the park I was load with peanuts and bird seed . It started with feeding some squirrels and getting a few shots. I continued my walk to the far end of the lake. At that point I had a chickadee fly into my face, kinda telling me where is the food.

Once I started feeding the chickadees they just kept coming one after another, my hand would run out of sunflowers seeds and the corn meal would be put on the ground for the sparrows. The cardinals showed up as well waiting for hand outs but being a bit timid seemed to be last at getting them.

Last to join the party was the nuthatches they too went after the sunflower seeds I caught this one taking off with a seed . At some points I had bird landing every 15 seconds they even had a couple of small fights with the nuthatches and the chickadees . Once I ran out of bird food I headed back with the chickadees and cardinals following me . I then used the last of my peanuts and they took those too.

Along the way back found the one eyed squirrel that I had blipped a couple of times before .

I have posted more shots on my Flickr account

Tomorrow I have off and will try and get back out to the park for a short walk.

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