Rising Star

Ok... it's just a starlet. Big deal!

This blue bicycle caught my eye from this morning's walk to take CC to nursery. OOC jpeg - I have tried to rework several DNG files now and somehow seems nearly pointless unless to do a B&W conversion.

The day after and I am stil all giggles and happy. I was a bit worried last night, but already getting a better hand at it today. This camera definitely turns into a pumpkin when the light goes down, but otherwise it is magic.

So, right after I took this picture I was standing on the sidewalk and looking into the entrance of an older building with a nice statue and some stained glass toward the courtyard when the lady doorkeeper walks up behind me and says, "You can't do that!" "Do what?" I replied... haha, my first street confrontation... and with the Leica! That would have never happened with the Nex. Yes, I was just practicing with the focus for half a minute looking into the dark entry and trying to figure it out. I know I will get faster...

...after a few rebuttals, I told her I could take a picture of anything I liked while walking down the sidewalk including her if she liked. I started to raise the camera and she turned around snap-haste to make her retreat into the building. "no no no...." haha, I can be bad.

I pass by this building every day to take CC to nursery. So, I am sure we wil become best of friends! :)

Made it into the Hell Room today for lunch. (thanks Dmarc for aptly naming it!) I needed that! My back already feels better after a half hour stretch on the saddle.

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