Trial and Error

By DawnC

That's my boy

I don't walk the dogs at Chapel Common when the weather's damp because they get incredibly dirty so we've been thoroughly enjoying this prolonged dry spell and had another lovely walk there this afternoon after work.

In other news, while I was queuing at the checkout in Sainsbury's this afternoon a ponytailed man in a black smartish jacket and combat trousers came along and took a photograph of my haul with his iPad. I only noticed because it made a camera sound. As soon as he'd taken the picture he nipped away and disappeared into the throngs of shoppers as if by magic. I'm left wondering whether he was a mystery shopper? Or a Sainsbury's market researcher? Or a ninja? Fortunately there was nothing too incriminating in my shopping (except for a bag of Jelly Babies I had treated myself to)...

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